People Are Forcing Islamophobic Bigots Off Twitter

    #IStandWithMariam campaign springs up in support of activist Mariam Veiszadeh and banishes racist trolls.

    Mariam Veiszadeh is an impressive woman. She's a lawyer, Muslim community advocate, writer and an Ambassador for Welcome To Australia.

    She's also the woman behind the the viral social media campaign Women In Solidarity with Hijabis (#WISH) and the Islamophobia Register Australia.

    Unfortunately she's also been the target of some vile online threats and abuse.

    Mariam told Buzzfeed News she started receiving the latest round of abusive messages after a US-based white supremacist site called The Daily Stormer published an article calling on its readers to abuse her.

    As her feed started flooding with abuse, she called on her followers to report her trolls to Twitter.

    Please report this account: @Myrainbowislose #IStandWithMariam

    And people started taking action against the hateful tweets.

    The hashtag #IStandWithMariam started trending on Twitter and since then, many of the offending accounts have been taken down.

    Every account I've gone to block this morning for their revolting threats has been suspended. Great to see. #IStandWithMariam

    The #IStandWithMariam hashtag turned a story about racist hate speech into a celebration of diversity and peace in Australia.

    @MariamVeiszadeh your strength is inspiring. So many of us are supporting you!! #IStandWithMariam

    #IStandWithMariam because diversity is beautiful and no one deserves to be harassed by mindless fools.

    #IStandWithMariam and I'm grateful for her ideas and commitment to justice. Australia is a much better place because of people like her.

    To freedom of religion and racial diversity. And a society that celebrates cultural diversity: #IStandWithMariam

    From vicious personal attacks and death threats from Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists one day to #IStandWithMariam trending on Twitter the next.I'm truly and deeply indebted to everyone who has stood by me as I battle through this. These recent barrage of personal attacks have made more determined than ever to keep battling to shed light on Islamophobia and cyberbullying. It's a difficult and emotionally draining journey but it's worth it.

    People started drawing comparisons to the Prime Minister's call for Islamic leaders to do more to distance themselves from extreme terrorism.

    I've often heard PM say this is a peaceful country where hate isn't tolerated. I wish he wld say it more often and mean it #IStandWithMariam

    Take it from me; every instance of abuse empowers me to stand up against it. I am even more determined to bring the perpetrators to justice. Take screen shots, collate information and report every instance of abuse. Don't let your suffering be in vain. Do something about it.

    #IStandWithMariam against racism, bigotry, discrimination & Islamophobia. So does Australia. Keep it up @MariamVeiszadeh!