15 "Gossip Girl" Book Plotlines That Never Made It To The Show

    The books were even crazier than the show. By a lot.

    1. Chuck has a pet monkey named Sweetie. He literally never shuts up about his monkey.

    2. Serena visited Yale and was serenaded by the Whiffenpoofs, who improvised an original song about her and followed her around campus.

    3. Serena walked in a fashion show in a cheap custom T-shirt that said "I Love Aaron" in tribute to her relationship with Blair's stepbrother.

    4. Serena also had an unnamed body part, strongly suggested to be her nipple, photographed and blown up as a piece of modern art that appeared on posters and ads all over the city.

    5. Oh, and she also had a perfume named after her and the promotional photo they used was of her crying a single tear after Aaron broke up with her.

    6. Jenny's main hangup was that she had incredibly large breasts and could never find the right bra.

    7. Blair messes up her final Yale interview by kissing her interviewer, then going on a date with him.

    8. Then Blair finds out that she goes to school with the interviewer's daughter, Elise.

    9. Dan gets a job shelving books at The Strand Bookstore and ends up dating his coworker Greg for a hot minute.

    10. When Dan breaks up with him, Greg gets together with Chuck instead.

    11. Blair's mom and Cyrus Rose have a baby daughter together, and they let Blair name her. She names her half-sister Yael. As in Yale. The university.

    12. Dan becomes a semi-famous poet, and a famous band called The Raves asks him to be their frontman. He just yells his poems over the music.

    13. Vanessa is completely bald for the duration of the series.

    14. Blair also has a pre-quarter-life crisis when she doesn't get into any of the schools she wanted to, so she cuts off her hair into a pixie cut.

    15. And the Nate-Blair-Serena love triangle lasts for the entire book series. In his last few pages, Nate decides to avoid choosing either of them and sails off in a boat with an old man named Chips.