13 Questions We Still Have About "Friends" – Answered By Gunther

    Which Harry Potter star would play him in a British version? And were they really on a break?

    We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community what questions they still had about Friends – and then posed some of the best to James Michael Tyler, aka everyone's favourite barista, Gunther. Here is what he came up with.

    1. Is Joey actually growing old above Monica and Chandler's garage?

    2. Did Gunther have a lengthy backstory that only you knew about?

    "I had two actually – he either lived in the back room of Central Perk on a cot, or else he lived in New Jersey with his mum in her basement, and he had to commute a tremendous number of miles to go and work for $4 an hour."

    Submitted by Tom Phillips, BuzzFeed UK office.

    3. Ben completely disappears towards the end of the series – what happens to him?

    4. What was Gunther's last name?

    "He didn't have one in the script, but Chandler obviously thought it was Central Perk. I thought it would be funny if it was something really boring like Smith or Jones. Gunther Jones – barista at large."

    Submitted by kayleighw4cf033e63.

    5. Did Emma get Rachel's original nose?

    6. What's the deal with the cake stand potato?!

    7. Were there any plans early on for Monica and Chandler to get together, as it's hinted a few times throughout the show?

    8. Who would play Gunther in a British version of Friends?

    "Oh good one! Probably one of the Harry Potter actors – the blond one who played Draco [Tom Felton} – he's got a bit of a Guntherosity about him."

    Submitted by Remee Patel, BuzzFeed UK office.

    9. Why did Phoebe and Joey never hook up?

    10. What happens to Gunther? Does he ever get married?

    11. Does Ben still believe in the Holiday Armadillo?

    12. Did Ross and Rachel get married again after the show finished?

    13. And finally – were they on a break?

    Bonus: Who would you rather be stuck in a lift with, Janice or Ugly Naked Guy?

    "Oh gosh, that's a tough one. I would have to say Ugly Naked Guy, honestly, because at least he was quiet and you could close your eyes, right? It's easier to close your eyes than plug your ears."

    Oh, and this is how Gunther looks now.