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    19 PSA-Style Tweets That Will Motivate You To Think Positively

    Be productive! Be, be productive!

    1. This little fighter's cheery smile

    A tiny little fighter ❀️❀️

    2. This multi-generational interaction:

    Very elderly female patient on rounds recently: β€œSo you’re going to school to become a nurse, then?” Me: β€œA doctor, actually!” Her: *takes my hand in hers, eyes light up* β€œWomen didn’t do that in my day. You go, girl.” #SheForShe

    3. A reminder to keep the bad vibes out:

    This year I’ve realised that things that β€œaren’t that deep” are actually 6ft deep. Friends not supporting you, not saying happy birthday to you, not making an effort with you or congratulating you on your achievements. All that shit is deep and I’m not having anymore of it.

    4. An adorable video that just exudes love:

    I got tired of seeing you through FaceTime

    5. A visual representation of life's hurdles:

    Proof that things get further with ups and downs - lets geddit

    6. THIS:

    Stop Going out the way for people who treat you like you in the way.

    7. This mental note because self care is key:

    PSA: It’s okay to say β€œNo”. People will find another way. We have to stop overextending ourselves & thinking that we have to please and be there for everyone and everything.

    8. Also, this one because patience is key:

    Your time is coming; be patient. Believe in where you're going. Don't worry about where you're at. Everything's falling into place.

    9. This challenge:

    I challenge y’all to only look for the good for a whole 24 hrs. Go.

    10. This person's job search journey to keep you motivated if you're on the same boat:

    I have applied for 200+ jobs. Had 4 interviews. Made it to the next step in 3. Got no offers. But, you can't tell me I wasn't qualified for at least half if not a third of them. But, it's ok, im still applying. Just wanted to share this with anyone who feels like giving up.


    respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you grows you or makes you happy.

    12. This feel-good moment:

    there’s literally nothing better than when you’re full on laughing with someone and you both keep adding things that make it funnier and you can barely breathe

    13. This realization:

    You really don’t know a person until: 1. You travel with them. 2. Money is involved. 3. You deal with them when they’re angry.

    14. A strategy that is easy to follow:

    Start by doing 1 push up Start by drinking a cup of water Start by paying toward 1 debt Start by reading 1 page Start by making 1 sale Start by deleting 1 old contact Start by walking 1 lap Start by attending 1 event Start by writing 1 paragraph Start today Repeat tomorrow

    15. A cool app that allows you to help others:

    There’s this app where you can help a blind person with a problem they’re having and it’s mad wavy

    16. This loving husband's profession of love:

    My wife is so fucking gorgeous and her personal growth has been spectacular to witness. And we're incredibly formidable as a duo. I really get to be her husband and partner everyday and it's the best shit ever.

    17. This Barbie vlog focusing on the "sorry" effect that has been instilled in us:

    18. And a couple of others on respect for others and mental health:

    19. And finally, this reminder:

    A year from now, everything you’re stressing about won’t mean a thing. Be thankful, smile more, spend more time with family and don’t stress the small things. This is our one chance at life. Don’t let anyone or anything take away your happiness.