You're Making Grilled Cheese Sandwiches All Wrong And You Need To Stop

    Let Alton Brown show you the light.


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    For ease of reference, the steps have been outlined below.

    This is Alton Brown, and he wants to teach you something very important.

    Yes, you DO need a charcoal grill. Because this is serious business.

    You need bread, and two cheeses: extra sharp Cheddar and Gruyère – 3oz of each.

    You're going to need mustard, paprika, and black pepper. Add to the cheese.

    Put the cheese in specially adapted foil grill spatulas, off direct heat, for 6-9 minutes.

    Oil up your bread, and put it on direct heat for a couple of minutes each side. Then slide the cheese on your toasted bread, wrap the sandwich in foil and put on indirect heat for a couple of minutes.

    And that, my friends, is how you actually make a grilled cheese sandwich.

    Reminder: cheese is amazing.

    It really is.