An Artist Is Mapping The Lives Of Homeless People In Newcastle

    JoJo Oldham's huge "Spaces of Homelessness" map shines a light on the lives of people sleeping rough in the city.

    You might remember seeing the former Innocent Drinks creative JoJo Oldham's meticulous hand-drawn maps of London. Well, now she's turned her attention to Newcastle.

    She was asked to take part in a project called Imaging Homelessness in a City of Care by Adele Irving and Oliver Moss from Northumbria University.

    She told BuzzFeed News: "Adele and Oliver ran workshops at the various care centres around the city and asked participants to annotate photocopied maps, marking out the places that are of personal significance to them."

    Oldham described it as a "fascinating, intimate project".

    She told BuzzFeed News:

    "I got 30 annotated maps to work with to make one mega map of the spaces of homelessness in the city. It's really interesting to see that a lot of people spent their first night rough at the City Library (it's really warm apparently) and then to plot their journeys around the city to other places of shelter, to their own homes and sometimes sadly then back to the streets."

    "Some comments made me laugh (Salvation Army ‘smells like trench foot’ and ‘wipe your feet on the way out’ – both Shireen’s), but a lot of them really upset me."

    "Tales of disrupted childhoods, endless foster placements, violence, and drug abuse are all on there."

    "But overall I think the vibe is one of hope. Feedback for how Newcastle cares for people who are homeless was really positive, and a lot of the participants are focused on securing a happy future for themselves and their families."

    "It’s on show at various locations around Newcastle next week, and hopefully in other locations in the future as well."

    Find out more about the project here.