19 People Having A Way Worse Christmas Than You

    On the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me: SCHADENFREUDE.

    1. This winner.

    2. And this one.

    3. Whoever designed this tree topper.

    4. And this charming Christmas village.

    5. And this word search.

    6. Whoever decorated this window.

    7. Whoever hung these lights???

    8. These spelling bee champions.

    Merry christmas, I'm almost done raping presents :))))


    so damn tired I was up raping christmas presents until 2am last night


    Thank god I got done raping all my presents last night

    11. The author of this wishlist.

    12. Anyone forced to play this game.

    13. These unimpressed dogs.

    14. This livid cat.

    15. This distraught baby.

    16. And whoever has to deal with this cat's revenge tactics.

    17. The recipient of this glorious stocking stuffer.

    18. No wait, this one.

    19. Santa.