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21 Gifts You Should Probably Just Keep For Yourself

Nobody deserves a Viking drinking horn quite like you do.

1. This Viking drinking horn.

2. This hoodie with a pouch for your pet.

3. This armpit-cooling fan.

4. This keyboard waffle iron.

5. An inside-out umbrella.

6. A showerhead that's also a speaker.

7. This lamp with a levitating shade.

8. Wi-Fi-patterned tights.

9. An in-home bouncy castle.

10. This public toilet survival kit.

11. This cordless vanity mirror that also charges your phone.

12. This mermaid tail blanket.

13. A bunch of tiny hands for your fingers.

14. A bullshit button.

15. A bag resealer.

16. This pillow designed for side-sleepers.

17. These egg and pancake molds that will brighten your whole morning.

18. Hollowed-out spy coins.

19. This sensor and app that identify any color for you.

20. This shirt that tells it like it is.

21. And if you really want to splurge: this human bowling ball set.

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