17 Times Chris Evans Needed To Explain Himself

    *Swats nose with newspaper* No.

    1. Who or what do you think this microphone is? Christopher, explain.

    2. You can just JUMP over this FULLY GROWN MAN? JUST LIKE THAT? WHAT? HOW? Christopher, explain.

    3. You said this on national television. We can HEAR YOU. Christopher, explain.

    4. Are the lights hurting your eyes, Sweet Pea? Or is it your allergies? Are you OK? Christopher, explain.

    5. What is happening here? Christopher, explain.

    @ChrisEvans explain yourself

    6. The only tweet you've liked on Twitter is your own. Christopher, explain.

    7. Why did you do this to your poor brother? Christopher, explain.

    8. Do you have no sense of your CENTER? You're always falling over when you laugh and trying to hold yourself down. Christopher, explain.

    9. Tell us more about your obsession with trees. Christopher, explain.

    10. Why. Christopher, explain.

    11. Tell us more about this finger situation, Chris. Christopher, explain.

    12. What kind of fun we talking here? Christopher, explain.

    13. Why have we never seen you tap dance? Christopher, explain.

    14. Do you need help with your movement? For real, are you OK? Christopher, explain.

    15. What is happening inside your brain here? Christopher, explain.

    16. What's happening with your crotch here? Does your penis really need that much support while you're dancing? Christopher, explain.

    17. What is with this sibling rivalry?? Christophers, explain.