9 Facts About Coffee That You'll Never Be Able To Unhear

    Hot tip from our forefathers: Brew your coffee with eggshells and eel skins.

    1. We used to brew our coffee with eggs, fish, and eel skins.

    2. You can make white wine from coffee pulp.

    3. A satirical 17th-century pamphlet claimed that coffee would lead men to be "Cuckol'd by Dildo's."

    4. Coffee was in such high demand during the Revolutionary War that women raided a warehouse to get it.

    5. One couple's undercover love affair is responsible for Brazil's massive coffee production.

    6. Honoré de Balzac drank 50 cups of black coffee, which is either way too much, or just enough, depending on how you look at it.

    7. Sultan Murad IV didn't just ban coffee, he executed coffee drinkers.

    8. King Frederick the Great of Prussia brewed his coffee with champagne.

    9. Johann Sebastian Bach wrote an entire mini-opera about coffee to shade coffee naysayers.

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    In Bach's time, people thought coffee was the devil's evil libation, so he wrote this comedic opera about an overbearing father, Schlendrian, and his coffee-addict daughter, Liesgen, who get into it on the regular over her wish to visit coffeehouses. He even threatens her with — gasp! — the prospect of not marrying, but Liesgen's coffee-fueled mind is too sharp for patriarchal threats and she ends up getting a husband and her coffee. You can check out the opera above, or read an English translation here.

    Unless otherwise noted, all facts come from Uncommon Grounds: The History of Coffee and How It Transformed Our World by Mark Pendergrast.