15 States Where It's Legal To Fire Someone For Being Gay

    It should be zero.

    All of the following statistics are from the Movement Advancement Project.

    In some states, employment non-discrimination laws and federal court rulings protect LGBT people from being fired, discriminated against, or not hired at all because of their sexual orientation. 26 states do not explicitly prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, but 11 of these states are, according to MAP, "in a federal circuit with a ruling that explicitly interprets existing federal prohibition on sex discrimination...to include discrimination based on sexual orientation." Here are the 15 states with no protection at all.

    1. Virginia

    2. Missouri

    3. Texas

    4. Arkansas

    5. North Carolina

    6. North Dakota

    7. West Virginia

    8. Kansas

    9. Louisiana

    10. Mississippi

    11. Nebraska

    12. Oklahoma

    13. South Carolina

    14. South Dakota

    15. Wyoming

    Even in states without protections, some cities and counties have passed local ordinances to protect LGBT people from employment discrimination. Find a list of those places here.