15 Pictures Of Awkward Rejections That — I Kid You Not — Made Me Want To Die Of Secondhand Embarrassment

    Don't mind me, I'm just gonna bury my head in this pillow.

    1. This person who was rejected with a rhyme:

    2. This person whose pick-up line came back to bite them:

    3. This person who faced a VERY public rejection:

    Just witnessed an airport arrival proposal. She did not say yes. Happy Holidays everyone

    4. This person who was successfully rejected thanks to Teamwork™️:

    Got to the subway platform just as the train doors were closing and tried to pry them open, but everyone on board banded together to push the doors closed so I couldn’t get on. When the train left without me everyone cheered

    5. This person who had a very tough day in class:

    6. This person whose ex made it extremely clear how they felt:

    7. This person who got a surprising note from their niece:

    8. This person who did not get the response they expected from their Tinder match:

    9. This person whose feelings were not reciprocated:

    10. This person who was rejected with a ~colorful~ Bitmoji:

    11. This person who probably should've read tweets more carefully:

    12. This person who couldn't get even a single response in a group chat:

    13. This person who shot their shot and missed big time:

    Told a boy I fancied him last night and he said ‘let’s just nip that in the bud’ patted my back and walked away

    14. This person who got told off on Facebook:

    15. And lastly, this person whose crush found a clever way to answer their love note: