19 Wonderful Historical Facts, As Told By "Horrible Histories"

    The makers of the show are about to make a film about Shakespeare, and not a moment too soon. Horrible Histories is amazing. Here are just some of the things it has taught us.

    1. The Domesday Book involved some brutal tactics.

    2. Mary Tudor's 'Bloody Mary' nickname was well deserved.

    3. King Charles II may have restored the monarchy, but he wasn't English.

    4. But who cares? He brought back Christmas, after Cromwell had banned it.

    5. Georgian fire brigades were privately owned, and you'd better be insured.

    6. And their health supplements were unorthodox.

    7. The pilgrims on the Mayflower didn't really wear those hats.

    8. And they didn't really pack very well.

    9. Queen Victoria had to propose to Albert.

    10. And they brought the Christmas tree to the UK.

    11. Speaking of Victorians, they invented everything.

    12. Like, everything.

    13. Seriously, everything.

    14. Not done yet.

    15. Phew! Got there in the end.

    16. These inventions didn't help the Victorian poor though.

    17. And thanks to poor planning, the Light Brigade were doomed from the start.

    18. Poor planning, and terrible management.

    19. Most importantly: all the Kings and Queens can be summarized in song.

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