18 Things You'll Only Understand If You're Slightly Obsessed With Eggs

    Yes we know the smell of boiled eggs is like a rancid fart, but they're so worth it.

    1. The humble egg is a goddamn gift.

    If someone hands you an egg, accept. It's the greatest sign of love.

    2. They are the quickest and easiest food to make – and completely satisfying.

    3. And even if you do FUCK up while making them, they're so versatile you can almost always salvage the meal.

    There are approximately 45 seconds between "I'll make us an omelet" and "We're having scrambled eggs."

    4. Boiled eggs make the perfect portable breakfast or snack.

    5. (Gaston knows what's up).

    6. Yes we know the smell of boiled eggs is like a rancid fart, but they're so worth it.

    7. Can we just remember that the best puns are egg puns?

    8. Adding a fried egg to any meal literally makes it 10x better.

    9. Most of your baked goods faves would not even exist without eggs!

    10. And consider this: Would brunch ever be the same without that satisfying break of the yolk?

    11. And even though eggs are easy to cook, being able to poach an egg is a top-tier adulting skill.

    When your ruined poached eggs come back to haunt you.

    12. There's nothing sexier than someone who can crack an egg in one hand.

    13. There are so many egg dishes to try from around the world! Like Shakshuka!

    14. Or congee!

    15. Or a Scotch egg!

    16. And let's talk about sweet eggs – meringue is basically eggs plus sugar.

    17. And even non-egg eggs, like Creme Eggs, are amazing.

    18. But let's face it, ultimately, all eggs are good eggs.