15 Struggles Only Hairdressers Will Understand

    When you have to Google which hairsprays are safe for accidental consumption.

    1. When the customer has unrealistic expectations.

    2. Like, seriously unrealistic expectations.

    3. When you've repeatedly asked a customer if they're ok with the length, then they freak out when you begin to cut.

    4. When the weather works against your perfect creation.

    5. When you're on sweeping duty.

    6. When your "can you squeeze me in?" client is late.

    Glad my client who insisted on an 8am appt is late @Stylist_Problem

    7. When you've worked on a client for four hours and they don't tip.

    8. When your client keeps moving their head, endangering the straight line of their bob.

    9. When your hands never stay clean for long.

    Hairstylist problems. Oh and i also have two burn marks and i accidentally cut my finger #goodjobem

    10. When clients don't understand that bleach is a commitment.

    11. When you have to Google which hairsprays are safe for accidental consumption.

    12. When your client does a complete 180 on their hair between sessions.

    13. When a client quibbles the bill.

    14. When you hear the three words you dread the most: black box colour.

    15. When a client doesn't tell the whole truth when booking an appointment.