17 Fake Pokémon That The World Needs In 2016

    It's super effective!

    The new starter and legendary Pokémon for Sun and Moon were announced recently.

    The game doesn't come out until November, but in the meantime, Yik Yak users wrote up some excellent Pokémon suggestions that Nintendo should definitely consider.

    1. Studentloanathon:

    2. Deadlinetoise:

    3. GPAzard:

    4. Cena

    5. Drumpftor:

    6. Sandersaur

    7. Hillarychu:

    8. Mixtapeon:

    9. DJKhaledion:

    10. Vegion:

    11. Daniel:

    12. Dabasaur:

    13. Mitochondroid:

    14. Tacoid:

    15. Asuhdude:

    16. Procrastisaur

    17. Congressicarp