21 Agonizing Truths For People Who Feel Too Much


    1. Whenever you see a cute animal, your heart melts.

    2. And crossing paths with a baby? FORGET ABOUT IT.

    3. Watching two characters profess their love for each other in a movie makes you bawl.

    4. Once in a while, any random scene in a movie will make you sob, and you don't even know why.

    5. Often when you're outside on a gorgeous day, you have a hard time even processing the BEAUTY of the world.

    6. Music moves you in a way you can't fully explain.

    7. Every time you listen to a song, you imagine it's narrating a pivotal moment in your life.

    8. When you're sad, you purposely listen to sad songs to make yourself feel even sadder.

    9. There are songs, or even albums, you haven't listened to in years because you associate them with something sad.

    10. Weddings are guaranteed tearjerkers for you.

    11. You've never been able to say goodbye without getting emotional.

    12. When your favorite TV couple finally gets together, you LOSE IT, even if you've already seen the series dozens of times.

    13. You're the target demographic for sad commercials.

    14. Nostalgic memories from your childhood make you over-the-top sentimental.

    15. You've been known to well up when your friends show you how much they care about you.

    16. And your friends are well aware of how emotional you are by now, and are ready to comfort you at any given moment.

    17. Sometimes you laugh so hard that you cry, and then you genuinely start crying.

    18. You need a lot of time to be ~alone with your thoughts~.

    19. But even with all the extra ups and downs, being an emotional person is a point of pride for you, because you get to experience the world in such a vivid way.

    20. You're unapologetic about your feelings, and people appreciate that.

    21. And if you're being honest, you really do get satisfaction from being this way. Go #TeamFeelings!!