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Can You Make It Through This Post Without Laughing?

Trust us, it's worth the shot. Every cigarette you put down is 11 more minutes of life to do fun laugh at cat GIFs.

Which of these GIFs will finally make you crack?

1. This little thief going totally bananas?

2. This lone wolf discovering the limitations of his bouncy ball?

3. Good ol' Mister Bag Head over here?

4. This chunky gal in a bubble-wrap fiasco?

5. This golden boy and his gold-winning stunt?

6. This dog having a terrible time at the beach?

7. This dog who made it clear already that he didn't want to celebrate his birthday, JANET?

8. This cat who sought the help of man and was richly rewarded?

9. This dumpy puppy?

10. This dog who wishes he knew English so he could say "Your beanie is stupid" to that rude man?

11. This renegade whose screams of freedom were premature?

12. This jerky-hating wet blanket?

13. These screamy babies and their cricket snack?

14. This lizard boogying down on the treadmill?

15. This turtle who is honestly not going to take being sniffed for one more second?

16. This bored-as-heck fox who is making a mockery of us all?

17. Kitty McCreep Paws and his victim?

18. This strangely jealous ape and his really immature friend?

19. This cat who is 100% DONE with door stoppers?

OK, so maybe this post didn't quite take 11 minutes...

We didn't want to take one more minute of your time, just like you shouldn't give any more time to cigarettes. With every cigarette you put down, you're getting 11 minutes of your life back. Enjoy it!