17 Words With A Totally Different Meaning In Medical School

    "I'm on nights."

    1. "Drugs"

    Via cloudyephemeral.tumblr.com

    What it usually means: Medicine you take when you're ill.

    What it means when you're a medical student: A never ending list of names and dosages that need to be learnt.

    2. "Diarrhea and vomiting"

    3. "Nights"

    4. "Calling in sick"

    What it usually means: Taking a day off work due to illness.

    What it means when you're a medical student: Choosing from a list of recently learnt medical conditions to find a good excuse.

    5. "Elective"

    6. "GP"

    7. "Bachelor of Science"

    What is usually means: A degree that people go to university for.

    What it means when you're a medical student: Studying for an extra year so you get a letter at the end of your name.

    8. "Ethics"

    9. "NHS"

    10. "History"

    11. "Consultant"

    12. "Paediatrics"

    Via vine.co

    What it normally means: The medical specialty that deals with babies and children.

    What it means when you're a medical student: Playing with arts and crafts with children.

    13. "Scrubs"

    14. "Cheese and onion"

    15. "Anatomy"

    What it usually means: The study of the inner workings of the human being.

    What it means when you're a medical student: Sessions spent standing over a cadaver, trying not to salivate.

    16. "Surgery"

    17. "Rounds"