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A Girl Tweeted About Her Food Baby And The Replies Are A Comforting Reminder That She Isn't Alone

"This thread makes me feel so normal."

Women on Twitter are sharing candid pictures of themselves nursing their "food babies" — and if you've experienced bloating, you can probably relate.

i can’t be the only one that gets extremely bloated and starts imagining myself being pregnant??

The thread was started by Fatimah Waheeb, a student and influencer from London who shared a picture of herself after a meal.

She told BuzzFeed News: "I had just finished eating a bunch of wasabi while watching anime and I realised how bloated I was and I thought it would be funny to share how bloated women can get.

"I wasn’t that surprised because I know if I get extremely bloated loads of other women would too and it’s nice to know other women get as bloated as I do and pretend to be pregnant!"

Just to clarify, Fatimah is NOT pregnant and there is no elaborate gender reveal to follow.

i deadass deleted the whole thread by accident but no i’m not pregnant

Her admission that she sometimes imagines her bloated stomach as a pregnancy prompted other women to share their pictures, and Fatimah couldn't be happier.

i love the replies!! i’m so glad bloating is normalised, fuck anyone that said my bloating wasn’t normal lmao it very much is

She said: "It’s 2019 and I feel like more women are becoming more accepting about the ‘flaws’ in our bodies and we’re embracing while also making light of it as well and I love it."

And some people have been waiting for this moment.

@itsjustfatimah I’ve been waiting for this moment LOLLLL

@itsjustfatimah @antwtf Sent this to my momma and she bout died 😂😂 chipotle baby 👶😂😭

Friends who bloat together.

@itsjustfatimah me and my bestfriend lmfaooooooo

@itsjustfatimah Same , I get scared & start thinking of baby names

A cheeky Nando's baby.

@itsjustfatimah Nandos baby 🔴 @TendoLove

@itsjustfatimah @yemiscocooo Sis😂😂😂😂😂

@itsjustfatimah 😂😂😂 I do the same thing

A well-earned belly.

@itsjustfatimah 🥘🌮🥙🍔🌭🍕🍟🤰🏽

@itsjustfatimah Bloated, not pregnant 😂😂😂

And the entire thread is so pure and comforting.

- The entire thread 😂. Happy well feed women 💕 https://t.co/nn1EHLuwGy

I swear being a woman is haarrrrd... from one battle to the other!! Skinny nd lanky years.. Breast start growing and you getting teased Period Period pain 😭 Period mood Period diarrhoea 😭 Period BLOATED-NESS /psydo-preg Shaving Real pregnancy Body changes during pregnancy😭 https://t.co/8bKe5Z1kpV

This thread makes me feel so normal. https://t.co/nVX64skIR0

This thread just made me feel a million times better about my giant food pregnancies thank u ladies xxxx https://t.co/l94K6mWsJr

What a beautiful thread everyone is just embracing their bloated stomach https://t.co/PSbXHPgrUy

It is SO comforting to see that there are other women who experience this level of bloating thank u sis https://t.co/WbH3yNOnmc

This thread is my favourite thing. LET US CELEBRATE OUR FOOD BABIES https://t.co/vNWsFLVisR

Congratulations, it's a burrito!🤰🏽