People Tried Celebrity Pancake Recipes And Picked Their Favorite

    Any of these recipes are perfect for a cheat day meal.

    Just like pizza, there's really no such thing as bad pancakes, but there are some that are just a notch above the rest, don't you think?

    Watch to find out which celebrity pancakes rule them all!

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    So, which celebrity pancake recipe is the BEST pancake recipe? We tried them all to find out.

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    That's why Jesse decided to put four celebrity pancake recipes to the test to see which was the best, and it was a lot fun.

    First up was Gordon Ramsay's fancy recipe. Jesse measured all the ingredients precisely to make everything fair.

    Since Jesse had already picked his favorite, he had his friends do a taste test.

    Next up was Ina Garten's recipe for banana sour cream pancakes.

    The reactions ranged from super impressed to just meh.

    Then Jesse whipped up Chrissy Teigen's Dutch baby pancake recipe.

    It was a hit.

    And last but not least, was Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's traditional recipe for flapjacks, which he posted on Instagram.

    When these pancakes were put to the test, they all agreed these were the shit!

    And the winner was...Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's recipe!