10 Facts About "The Nightmare Before Christmas" That Most People Don't Know

    For those of us who consider TNBC to be both a Halloween AND Christmas movie.

    1. Tim Burton has been adamant about not making a sequel.

    photo of Jack Skellington

    2. Burton was inspired to write the original poem after seeing a Halloween display being taken down and replaced by Christmas decorations in a department store.

    Photo of Jack Skellington

    3. It took 100 people three years to complete the movie!

    Photo of Tim Burton working on the film's characters

    4. Danny Elfman, the writer of all of the songs in the movie, provided Jack's singing voice.

    Photo of Tim Burton and Danny Elfman

    5. Oogie Boogie was originally going to be Dr. Finklestein in disguise!

    Photo of Sally and Dr. Finklestein

    6. Zero's nose is a tiny glowing Jack-o-Lantern.

    photo of Zero

    7. A door representing America's Independence Day can be seen when Jack encounters the holiday doors.

    photo of the holiday doors

    8. It's one of the two films under the Touchstone films label that are considered official Disney films.

    photo of the credits

    9. It was the second film from Walt Disney Animation Studios' that received a PG rating.

    photo of a faceless character with glowing eyes and sharp teeth

    10. And for the most surprising fact...Tim Burton did not direct the movie!