17 Times Tumblr Perfectly Captured How Relationships Work

    The internet knows exactly what the ideal relationship looks like, tbh.

    1. When this person knew how to make the most of spending a night home alone with their lover.

    2. When it gave us this perfect proposal.

    3. When this guy proved how entertaining having a spouse can be.

    4. The time it knew exactly the type of activity you want to do with your lover.

    5. When this picture captured your ideal romantic picnic.

    6. When this person reminded you it's important to support the relationship goals of others.

    7. The time this person described what relationships are like for every socially awkward person out there.

    8. When this person's dog showed that it's important to pay attention to your partner.

    9. When this lady displayed the best method for getting revenge on your significant other.

    10. When these two proved that love can be found between the unlikeliest of partners.

    11. When they showed that a relationship with yourself can be just as fulfilling as one with another person.

    12. This man's search for the one who got away.

    13. When these two displayed how lovely it is to find someone with shared interests.

    14. This accurate description of basically everyone's type.

    15. When these dogs made you want to turn your relationship goals into family goals.

    16. This pic of how you want to look cuddling in bed with bae.

    17. And when these pictures captured literally everything you could ever want growing older with your one true love.