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15 Sights No One Forgets From Their First Concert

Is this real life? With ACUVUE® Brand Contact Lenses, you’ll see more of your favorite artists and enjoy every experience even more. Click for Important Safety Information.

1. The second the lights come on, and everything transforms before your very eyes.

2. The minute the band takes the stage.

3. The magnificence of an arena that comes alive in an instant.

4. Your favorite artist being right there — on the same earth, just mere feet away from you.

5. The way the vocalist connects with the crowd.

6. The raw emotion every band member displays.

7. The lights.

8. But seriously, the lights.

9. The crowdsurfing fan.

10. When a band member seems to look directly into your eyes.

11. Somebody on a person's shoulders, being completely immersed in the music.

12. A band member acting like a total boss directing an ocean of people.

13. The vocalist flying straight into the arms of their people.

14. A cloud of confetti exploding above you.

15. And the moment everyone in the crowd holds up their phone and moves in unison to the sound of your favorite song.

When it comes to your first concert, don't miss a beat...or anything else. Rely on ACUVUE® Brand Contact Lenses to catch every moment worth remembering. 😉

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