19 Things Everyone Who Really Fucking Hates Running Will Understand

    "If you see me running you should start running, because something is probably chasing me. "

    1. You would rather be late than run for public transport.

    2. Because secretly you're terrified about what you look like when you run.

    3. Or have a fear of running into someone you know while running.

    4. And to be honest if you are not running to get somewhere for a reason then what is the point?

    5. People who set their alarms for 6am to go for a run to "wake themselves up" confuse you.

    6. You don't understand people who claim running is peaceful.

    7. Or people who say that running makes them happy.

    8. Running on a treadmill is the absolute worst.

    9. Because treadmills are TERRIFYING.

    10. You've probably bought yourself cute new running shoes as motivation.

    11. Or you've tried creating a playlist full of your fave tunes.

    12. You might have tried more imaginative ways to motivate yourself.

    13. Maybe you've signed up to a "small" 5K race to try to force yourself to run.

    14. And even thought about completing a marathon one day.

    15. You've thought about how amazing that would be.

    16. But in reality this would be you at the starting line.

    17. Because when you do run for 5 minutes it feels like 20 minutes.

    18. So you go to great lengths to avoid running.

    19. Because not everyone can be good at running.