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16 Animal Sneezes That Are Too Cute To Handle

Everybody sneezes...even the majestic beasts of the animal kingdom. Thankfully us humans can take ZYRTEC® to catch a break from allergies.

1. This golden pup can't seem to catch a break from his inescapable sneezes:

2. This adorable lil goat is flipping out with its every sneeze:

3. Or poor little teddy who traveled too far into a sneeze hole to return:

"Aaaahh, look at all the pretty leaves. Oh no, the leaves. The leaves have taken me!"

4. Or this baby bear who didn't sign up for these sinuses:

5. Ferocious beasts are no match for a fierce sneeze attack:

6. Even his mom can't escape an inevitable sneaky sneeze:

7. Polar bears are no match for a polar sneezetex:

8. This big-eared babe didn't see that one coming:

9. This gal who has been plagued with resting sneeze face:

Just try to calm down. No need to give lip, now.

10. This dog represents the struggle in all of us when we are preparing for a massive sneeze:

11. Thankfully, this dude was perched on his sun rock before the sneeze snuck up:

12. Either this bird is auditioning for some metal band, or his world was just rocked:

13. This poor dude couldn't even snag a tissue in time:

14. Tiny ponies sneezing are kinda cute tbh:

15. Unfortunately, that guy grew up and couldn't keep his composure:

16. But let us not forget the poor kitten caught in sneeze purgatory:

This is the sneeze the never ends, and it goes and on my friends.

Don't let your sneeze catch you off guard. Try ZYRTEC®.