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10 Productivity Tools That Will Free Up Your Evening

No one wants to stay late at work. Plan ahead to make sure you actually get out of the office in time for dinner tonight! Windows understands your need to work AND play.

1. Double-check your calendar to make sure you don't overlook any important events.

When You Wake Up in the Morning...

2. Put OFF checking your emails. Get a quick workout in instead.

3. Then maybe check your to-dos.

As You Drink Your First Cup of Coffee...

4. Sort out your emails so you can avoid any surprises once you get into work.

All right, time for work finally. Let's get busy.

5. Maybe you have a meeting really early in the morning. Just join it remotely!

6. Need to access important files that are only on your work computer? Piece of cake.

7. What! Another meeting? How does anyone expect you to keep track of all these things?

8. Record important things for you to reference later. It'll save you time and maybe even your sanity.

9. Keep up with your ideas, notes, and anything else across ALL your devices.

10. Store your files in the cloud so you can access and share from anywhere!

Honestly, you’ll love the new Windows. Work hard, then get out of the office and enjoy your evening!