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Watch Andy Samberg Give Harvard's Commencement Speech

Among the 20-minute-long speech he did impressions of Nic Cage, Mark Zuckerberg, Marky Mark, and he also broke into song. (The song was Montell Williams' "This Is How We Do It".)

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A few choice highlights, via the Boston Herald:

2012 is a great time to be graduating from college. Sure, the job market’s a little slow. Health care and Social Security will evaporate in five years. And you’ll have to work until you’re 80 to support your 110-year old parents who will live forever thanks to nano-technology ... but that doesn’t matter.
You know it’s hard to know where life will take you from here. What adventures you’ll have, what sitcoms you’ll write for. But my advice to you is simple: RELAX, DUDE! You just finished college at Harvard. You worked so hard. Trust me, you’re going to kill it. I went to Santa Cruz then transferred to film school, and I’m RICH!