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The 17 Phases Of Every Creative Project

Creative juices aren't always on tap. Don't just wait for inspiration, go after it! Get an inside look at the creative process and find what inspires others at WD Ventito™.

1. So you need an idea.

2. And nothing's coming to you.

Call it writer's/illustrator's/programmer's/creator's block.

3. Literally nothing.

4. Time for a little inspiration!

5. Now you're in the zone.

6. Suddenly, a spark of brilliance! EUREKA.

7. Let's think this thing through.

8. Nope. That's not gonna work.

9. Back to the drawing board.

10. But wait, what if you change it a bit?

11. Yes. Yes. YES!

12. Then again, you could probably do this tomorrow...

13., no, no — must resist!

14. Take a breather and send your work to a colleague...

15. ...who can give you some constructive feedback.

16. Revisit the project and revise, revise, revise.

17. It's finally DONE.