Going To A Concert In Your Teens Vs. As An Adult

    Ugh, god, why is it so LOUD in here?

    As a teenager, you thought camping outside a concert venue was cool and adventurous.

    But when you're grown, the idea of waiting through even the opening band is laughable.

    Did you want to drink at the show as a teenager?

    Sure, that was gross. But compared with paying $12 for this much beer when you're of age...

    As a teenager, all you wanted to do was get as close as you could to front-row center.

    After you're a bit older, you have a different floor spot in mind.

    As a teenager, you were stoked to try crowd surfing.

    But as a bona-fide grown-up, you're stoked to try earplugs.

    When you were a teenager, you sang along to every single song.

    Whereas as an Old, this is you if the band plays a song that isn't from the third album or before.

    When you saw the band walking back onstage for an encore, your teenage self was awed.

    Whereas encores in your twenties or later just make you tiiiiired.

    Teenage you was so excited to get your hands on some of that sweet, sweet merch.

    But as an adult, you're just excited to beat the line out of the parking garage.

    No matter your age, though, one part of going to shows never really changes...

    ...and you know that one day, this will definitely be you.