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11 Embarrassing School Moments That Are Awesome Now

School is essentially a series of embarrassing moments occasionally interrupted by class — but don't let outdated technology embarrass you! Get the latest back-to-school deals on Smartphones and Tablets from Verizon.

1. Wearing those big framed glasses.

2. Being dropped off / picked up.

When you were in school, you used to ask your parents to drop you off a block away from wherever you were going. Today, you would prefer it if your ride drove into the restaurant you're at, picked you up, and dropped you off in the middle of your living room.

3. The cute lunches your parents used to pack for you...

4. ...and the even more adorable notes that came with them.

5. Having a crush on someone, or someone having a crush on you.

6. Excelling at something that's not sports.

7. Having read the book.

8. Being the tall one.

9. Being the youngest person in your friend group.

10. Tech savviness.

11. And your parents enthusiastically cheering for you at your game or performance.