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    Robert Berning III To Guest Star In Next Episode Of Mad Men

    Ok fine, Robert Berning III isn't going to be making an appearance on the hit show... But if he were, he'd have a lot of trouble regressing back to vintage marketing.

    Mad Men's Don Draper and Roger Sterling crushed the marketing and advertising game in the 60's. Flash forward 50 years and they would likely have a hard time selling a cigarette to a smoker. Marketing has changed dramatically since the times of Sterling, Cooper, Draper, and Pryce. At Velocity Agency, we're always looking for ways to push incredible results for our clients. Take a look at the differences between us, and our friends on the small screen.



    Day Drinking

    Sterling, Cooper, Draper, Pryce begin each day, meeting, idea, and sentence with a nice glass of expensive scotch.

    At Velocity, we wait until 5… usually.



    How boring would Don Draper be if it weren't for all the scandal that came along with him and his team? Lies, backstabbing, affairs...its what makes the show so powerful.

    Ok- so the Velocity office isn't that dramatic. But when someone finishes off the pot of coffee, you better believe there’s going to be problems.


    Marketing Then & Now