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15 Reasons To Be Proud Of The Military This Veterans Day

For everything done and everything sacrificed. To all who dared to take an oath to protect and serve, thank you.

1. They answered the call to take a rough road...

2. order to ensure the well-being of the people back home.

3. It was a life of hard work and perseverance.

4. They always stood tall and took their mission head-on without hesitation.

5. They provided the light in our darkest hours.

6. They took on every wave that was thrown at us.

7. They climbed to the top of every mountain in our path.

8. And they lifted us up...

9. soar higher than we ever thought possible.

10. Against tremendous odds, they raised the flag in the name of freedom for all.

11. In the end, they come home to open arms...

12. ...and open hearts.

13. They are in the service of liberty.

14. Dedicated to protecting every American.

15. And every American is proud to thank the Armed Forces for their service this Veterans Day!

To all who dared take this oath and serve their country, USAA is proud to salute you.

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