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16 Times Kids Could Not Even Handle Politicians

Politicians + children = awkward.

1. "nope"

2. "nope"

3. "can u not michael gove"

4. "he just showed up and sat down" "how do we get him to leave?"

5. "mummy the scary man is here again"

6. "is he still there?" "yes"

7. "i think he's trying to talk to me"

8. "did you just push in front of me?"

9. "are you kidding me?"


10. "help me. i am trapped."

11. "can you believe this guy?"

12. "he hated my wolf picture. i am never good enough for him."

13. "if he mansplains the alphabet to me one more time i swear"

14. "i can't believe he-" "look you're the one who invited him"

15. "oh god stop him"

16. "RIP me"