Can The Internet Help Decode A Grandmother's Dying Words?

    MetaFilter users are trying to unravel a final message left twenty years ago by a woman dying of brain cancer.

    MetaFilter user JannaK's grandmother passed away in 1994 from brain cancer. In the weeks before she died, although she didn't speak, she wrote index cards with mysterious sequences of letters on them.

    For two decades, the family have been in the dark about what these letters could mean.

    So yesterday, JannaK decided to see if Ask MetaFilter could help unravel the mystery. Here's an example sequence of letters:


    And this is the back of the same card:


    It took MetaFilter user harperpitt 14 minutes to identify the letters on the back - not a song lyric, but rather one of the most familiar passages in the English language:

    For example, those "A"s at the end are probably "Amen"s:

    And this seems like a plausible opening:

    This repeated sequence might be "Please see that we..."?

    Which has led to guesses about what the rest of the sentences could be...