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14 Excellent Instances Of Actors Playing Themselves

There's something very satisfying about seeing a celebrity be genuine, even if it's on the big screen. Here are some famous faces who have made a living just being them. Don't forget to check out This Is The End in theaters Wednesday, June 12th for more star-studded realness.

1. Bob Barker in "Happy Gilmore"

2. John Malkovich in "Being John Malkovich"

3. Bill Murray in "Zombieland"

4. David Bowie in "Zoolander"

5. Neil Patrick Harris in the "Harold & Kumar" movies

6. Megan Fox in "The Dictator"

7. Chuck Norris in "Dodgeball"

8. Bruce Campbell in "My Name is Bruce"

9. Dan Marino and "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective"

10. Mike Tyson in "The Hangover"

11. The cast of "Taxi" in "Man on the Moon"

12. Howard Stern in "Private Parts"

13. Larry David in "Curb Your Enthusiasm"

14. Charlton Heston in "Wayne's World 2"

Check out Seth Rogen, James Franco, Danny McBride, Jonah Hill, Craig Robinson and Jay Baruchel all playing themselves in "This Is The End" – In Theaters Wednesday, June 12

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