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The 20 Stages Of Discovering You're Not On A Date

We're on a date. Right? If not... we should ask for separate checks.

1. You show up to meet your date looking your best and immediately see that you're the only one who dressed up for the occasion.

2. You try to do typical "date things" like open the door for them, but your date isn't really obliging.

3. When you get to the date spot, you realize that you're not the only person your "date" invited.

4. Throughout the night, you realize your date isn't paying attention to you exclusively.

5. You try to make them jealous by doing the same...

6. ... but it's not really working as you'd hoped.

7. New plan! Impress your date by outperforming the competition.

8. Finally, you get a moment alone with your date. You try to play it cool.

9. You're working hard to get their attention, but even your best efforts are futile.

10. You try to spice up the conversation with subtle sexy hints.

11. This — of course — backfires.

12. You notice that your date is texting someone else while you're trying to engage in conversation.

13. You call your friends for advice, and they tell you to just go for it, and that you have nothing to lose.

14. Nope. Nope. Nope. They definitely meant as a friend.

15. Yikes! It seems we've entered the dreaded...

16. Sh*t! How do you save what's left of your dignity?

17. There's the logical choice...

18. And there's the terrible choice...

19. After a drink or nine, you make one last futile attempt forcing your not-date to be brutally honest.

20. And finally...

But hey! You're not alone! Dating is a series of awkward moments that lead up to finding "the one."

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For serious awkward moments that'll make yours look like triumphs, check out That Awkward Moment available on Blu-Ray and Digital.