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15 People Who Forgot How To Holiday

Ho-ho-NO. The holidays can be tough. Thankfully, TGI Fridays® is the ultimate holiday hack: it's a foolproof place to host any party, and make your holidays that much happier.

1. This adult who forgot boundaries:

2. This architect who forgot support columns:

3. This reporter who forgot that we don't run in malls:

4. This menorah that forgot to compose itself:

5. This couple who forgot where lights go:

6. This baker who forgot whether he was making cookies, a cake, or a plate:

7. This dad who forgot to close the fireplace:

8. This snowman who forgot the dress code:

9. This store owner who forgot how kosher works:

10. This pug who forgot to have mercy:

11. This decorator who forgot basic feng shui:

12. This Santa who forgot how to be jolly:

13. This gingerbread man who forgot to smile:

14. This person who forgot how to trim a tree:

15. And this mother who remembered to buy toilet paper:

Here's a holiday hack you won't forget: TGI Fridays.