21 Signs You Are Just Too Darn Nice

    You = sugar + spice + everything nice.

    1. No one has ever seen you angry.

    2. When people bump into you, you do all the apologizing.

    3. You get sympathy pains when your friend is in pain.

    4. You instantly tear up when you see anyone, even a complete stranger, crying.

    5. You hold doors open for people who are miles away.

    6. And graciously let people go ahead of you (with a smile), even when you're running late.

    7. You can't stand the idea of anyone being mad at you. Ever.

    8. You offer up your awesome, roomy, AISLE seat for someone in need!

    9. When people ask you for a favor you always respond with an enthusiastic "YES" no matter how big the favor.

    10. Tbh, "no" doesn't have a place in your vocabulary.

    11. But "thank you" and "sorry" certainly do.

    12. You're the go-to person for when your friends want rides to and from the airport.

    13. You're more concerned about everyone else's well-being, rather than your own...

    14. ...which makes you almost all of your friends' emergency contact.

    15. You are most definitely your group's personal cheerleader...

    16. ...often doing little things to make them feel better, when they've had a particularly bad day.

    17. You arrive early to parties so you can help the host set up...

    18. ...and leave late because you also help clean up, happily.

    19. You eat everything on your plate, even if it's food you hate, out of sheer politeness.

    20. Your drunk personality is just your regular personality x 100.

    21. And no matter what, you always see the good in people.