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11 Creative Ways To Say Thank You (As Told By Kids)

A little thank you goes a long way. That's why Target is saying "thank you" to all parents who help their kids reach their full potential each and every school year.

1. Write a note that expresses how you feel.

2. Or build a trophy, something that shows the world your gratitude.

3. Perform a well-choreographed dance to their favorite song.

Alex Walker Smith / Via

4. Do the chores you know that they hate doing.

5. Create a beautiful piece of artwork.

6. A sculpture? Yeah, that definitely goes beyond the call.

7. Bake their favorite sweet treat.

8. Prepare an elaborate breakfast fit for royalty.

9. Give the gift of pizza, because there's literally nothing better.

10. Write a poem that comes from the heart.

11. Or sing a show-stopping ballad of love.

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