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The 19 Unspoken Rules For Smoking Weed

"Take a hit, share that shit."

1. Whoever rolls it, sparks it.

Whoever rolls it sparks it #stonerrules

2. Avoid any discrepancies: pass it clockwise every time.

3. If needed, please ash before you pass.

4. Abide by standard "puff, puff, pass" rule. There's a reason it's not the "puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, pass—wait lemme get one more in" rule.

5. Basically, in company, please share.

6. Don't hold up the rotation for a boring ass story.

7. If it's cashed on your turn, be a doll and clear it out.

8. And please try to pick out any stems and seeds when you pack.

When you find stems and seeds in your weed.

9. If you're sharing, don't slobber all over the mouthpiece.

10. You were a newbie once too. Help others.

11. Don't rely on mooching all the time! Weed is not free.

Bitches Be Like "I Smoke But I Dont Not Like That I Dont Buy Weed I Just Smoke If Somebody Got Some" ..You Mooching Ass Hoe

#ItsNotCuteWhen You're mooching off my weed.

12. Don't steal lighters.

13. Please don't be lazy and change the bong water every so often.

Don't forget to change the bong water.

It's not love if you forget to change the bong water.

14. Always try to "corner hit" the weed.

Be a good stoner friend and always corner the bowl when sharing! #stonerrules

15. Don't always rely on someone else to roll.

16. Keep the weed products away from the animals*

17. Finally, chill out! Everything will be okay.

18. But most importantly: Enjoy thyself!

19. Because it's the quickest way to happiness.