25 Things Every Canadian Would Like You To Know

    It's "aboot" time to stop saying that.

    1. The word "eh" is not a weird tick Canadians have. It's tacked on to an end of a sentence to illicit a response or input. It's kinda like "right?"

    2. So if you've ever tried to imitate the "eh" thing, you were probably doing it wrong.

    3. "Canadian bacon" is not Canadian.

    4. Our health care isn't "free," we pay for it with our taxes to make sure everyone has access.

    5. Because we kinda believe this whole "health care is a right, not a privilege" thing.

    6. A Canadian invented basketball. We'll give you a minute to let that soak in.

    7. And the BlackBerry your livelihood depended on? We conceived that too.

    8. Canadians are a rare, exclusive club: all of them can fit in the state of California.

    9. But not that exclusive! Compared to the U.S., Canada has a much simpler and more welcoming immigration system.

    10. We don't actually pronounce "about" as "aboot."

    11. "Why does your milk come in bags?" Because it just does.

    12. Here's a step-by-step tutorial on how Canadians drink milk (since everyone has a weird fascination with it):

    13. Yes, we have an army...

    14. No, we don't live in igloos...

    15. Canada is actually a very urban nation.

    16. It's not cold all-year round.

    17. "Yes, actually, I do know Steve from Vancouver. Thank you for asking."

    18. Tim Horton's is not the only national coffee chain in the country.

    If you like Timmies, you should try Second Cup, Coffee Time, etc.

    19. When two Canadians accidentally bump into each other, they both apologize. And it's a very genuine exchange.

    20. We realize that Americans, evidently, do not know anything about Canada...

    21. (Toronto is not the capital of the country, for one.)

    22. ...while Canadians know and are aware of basic facts about their neighbours.

    23. But we're not surprised: Canada remains one of the most educated countries in the world.

    24. AND one of the the happiest.

    25. So... on behalf of every Canadian: Sorry and catch up?