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22 Things All Twentysomethings Do That Their Teen Self Would Judge Them For

Sometimes you're just a little boring.

1. When you go to bed at 9:30pm to feel rested for the next day.

2. When you just want to spend your Saturday night watching Netflix instead of going out.

3. When you realise you basically never watch R-rated films.

4. Or when you realise you never make time to watch the trashy TV shows your parents always banned.

5. When you do the groceries and try to reduce all junk food.

6. When you willingly go outside to get some fresh air and sun in order to get a break from your computer.

7. When you fall asleep mid-text / chat with someone rather than staying up all night to talk to them.

8. When you try and keep all phone conversations to five minutes max.

9. When you decide to leave your phone on silent for the day so social media pings don't annoy you.

10. When you honestly can't decide if takeaway Thai or going out for cocktails would be more exciting.

11. When the thought of another night at a club with bad music makes you cringe.

12. When you decide you want to go a month alcohol free just because you can.

13. When you really feel like a McFlurry from McDonald's but you stay strong and don't get one.

14. When you willingly get up earlier on weekdays to do some morning exercise.

15. Or when you willingly get up earlier on the weekends to do something productive, like go to the markets.

16. When you realise you really can't stand your room being messy.

17. Or the rest of your house for that matter.

18. When you try and see how long you can go without cutting your hair.

19. When you wake up and DGAF about doing your make-up.

20. When you have an inner debate about whether or not to attend a music festival.

21. When the thought of weeknight drinking or late nights makes you cringe.

22. And when you realise you're really not as cool in your twenties as what your teen self thought you would be.