16 Things That Happen When Your Sister Is Your Best Friend

    My sister, sisteeeeerrr.

    1. Even at a young age, you were completely inseparable.

    2. You generally have your own secret body language that conveys your exact feelings.

    3. And all too often you say the exact same thing as the same time.

    4. You can pretty much double your wardrobe just by walking down the hallway.

    5. And they're the only ones you can do the washing up with, and turn it into a musical performance without it being deemed weird.

    6. When you've been apart for a while and see each other again, this is a totally normal reaction.

    7. They're the person you can let your true, weird self shine in front of.

    8. And when your parents try and make you take nice family photos, it quickly turns into this.

    9. You do fight a lot over very trivial things...

    10. ... But you quickly make-up like nothing ever happened.

    11. And holding grudges? No such thing.

    12. You can tell them absolutely ANYTHING without being judged.

    13. And you know they'll always keep your secrets safe.

    14. They've been there through your first crush, relationship and heartbreak.

    15. And through all the tears and trying times of growing up, they've always somehow managed to brighten your mood.

    16. So while you may not have realised it as a child or teen, one great thing about becoming an adult is knowing your sister(s) will always have your back.