17 Ways To Shut Down Your Friends, As Told By The "Real Housewives Of Melbourne"

    "You're an insignificant ass hair."

    1. When you're attacking an acquaintance's intelligence.

    2. When you're trying to keep an air of class about you and not go off.

    3. When you use big words to try and sound smarter than the person you're insulting.

    4. When you're at a dinner party and the conversation turns sour.

    5. When your friend is just really giving you the shits.

    6. When you can no longer stand to be around a person.

    7. And when you plan to cut all ties with a frenemy.

    8. When someone is insulting your BFF.

    9. When you invited someone you don't like to your party out of politeness, but they didn't show up.

    10. When you drink too much and just lose the plot completely...

    11. ...and actually can't stop swearing.

    12. When you're done with the peasants in your life, but find their antics somewhat amusing.

    13. When you're constantly being interrupted.

    14. When you've run out of insults but come up with a creative one last minute.

    15. When you just can't deal with the drama anymore.

    16. When you have a better time with your shot glass than the company you're with.

    17. And when you're so done with the drama, you just can't function. At all.