16 Pieces Of Advice Uni Students Have For High School Students

    High school is not the be all and end all.

    1. Not good at a certain subject? Don't stress. The best part about uni is that you are choosing a degree you know you will like.

    2. Those Year 12 exams? Yeah, they probably won't matter that much in the end.

    3. Still, don't use that as an excuse not to study. It'll pay off.

    4. Also, learn to reference now. Seriously. It just gets worse at uni.

    5. Keep some of your old assignments. In a few years you won't be able to remember anything you studied all that well.

    6. Enjoy the 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.* days. Once you enter the workforce you'll miss what it was like to have a recess and a lunch break and be done with it all by 3 p.m.

    7. Being in your 20s is not as grown up as you think it is.

    8. And it's totally OK if you have no idea what you want to do after high school.

    9. Appreciate your parents more!

    10. Also, enjoy the free meals you get cooked for you. It's less fun doing it for yourself.

    11. Don't be mean to others on the internet.

    12. If you're a little weird, embrace it.

    13. And if you're being bullied, tell someone.

    14. Don't stress about saying goodbye to your high school friends.

    15. And you'll make plenty of new awesome friends at uni!

    16. Enjoy year 12. It may seem like the most stressful year of your life, but you will find you miss some aspects of high school.

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