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"Real estate: $300k" over mary from selling sunset and "associate attorney: $375k over a lawyer"

70 People Revealed What They Do For A Living And How Much It Pays, And I Wish You'd See This Kind Of Pay Transparency On LinkedIn

"I work in the film industry as an actress and stunt woman. I make anywhere from $25,000-$100,000/year. It changes each year due to the amount of work I book. I always have to be available in case a job comes. I almost missed out on a series regular role because I wasn’t available for one day...which was my wedding day."

Crying At The Playboy Office

I remember it the way a criminal might remember a crime, the where and when more accessible now than the why — the time I cried on the job at Playboy.

9 Awkward Moments At The Gym

Like when you spend more time untangling headphones than you do actually working out.

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