Reporting To You X



こんな100円玉見たことある? お店で受け取った硬貨の見た目に思わず3度見→「こんなの初めて見た」「何があった!?」




将棋の羽生善治九段が4月14日、X(旧Twitter)を更新。 “背中が涼しくなった”ヒヤリエピソードを明かしました。ファンからは「ご無事で何より」「危ない所でしたね」と安堵の声が寄せられました。





庭で見つけた木の棒にまさかの11万いいね!? 「こんなの落ちてたら絶対持って帰る」「最強になれるやつじゃん」と大反響

「むっっっっちゃくちゃ魔法使えそうな木の棒見つけた!!!!!!!!!!」 大学生の水上さんが庭で発見した一本の木の棒。その見た目が子供心をくすぐりすぎるの!持っているだけでテンションが上がる~!

Just 40 Extremely Funny Viral Tweets By Women Last Month

"My office overlooks a river, and today, my boss announced that a Q2 goal is for everyone to comment on the river at least twice a week. Specific examples of 'wow, lotta ducks' and 'what kind of boat do you suppose that is' were cited, and I am once again yearning for the mines."

Just 22 Very, Very, Very Funny Tweets By Women

"I just think it would be better for everyone if the people who make adhesive for maxi pads and the people who make adhesive for bookstore price stickers switched jobs" —@VeryBadLlama

18 Genuinely Hilarious Tweets By Parents That Made Me HOWL With Laughter

"When I became a parent, I was prepared for the inevitable tantrums over no cookies for dinner or it's time to turn off the TV to go to bed; I was not prepared for the 15-minute tantrum because he asked me for chocolate milk and I gave him some." —@emilykmay

Just 25 Absolutely Hilarious Tweets By Women

"instead of dry January I’m doing why January. it’s where every day i stand in the middle of the street & scream WHY GOD WHY" —@ElyKreimendahl

I Cannot Overstate How Hysterical These 29 Tweets By Parents Are

"Told my sister I had to buy rice krispy treats cause I’m snack mom for my daughter’s game and she said why don’t you just make them and I said I’m sorry you have the wrong number and hung up on her." —@itssherifield



26 Of The Absolute Funniest Tweets By Parents This Week

"gave baby her first bath yesterday, she pooped in the tub and when i picked her up to wipe her off she pooped on my hand. i keep telling her she’s not allowed to be a comedian, but she’s clearly not listening." —@ambercrollo

I Cannot Overstate How Hysterical These 27 Tweets By Women Are

"Girls will suffer unearthly tragedies and still run errands the same day with a smile on their face but if a man’s parents divorce when he is 12 he will unleash his wrath on the world for the rest of his life" —@soupinthering

21 Of The Absolute Funniest Tweets By Women This Week

"When you check the furniture website and the home page says 'We are the tellers of a story not commonly told' and it's like okay I guess they're not doing a sale" —@annadrezen

I Cannot Overstate How Wildly Hilarious These 47 Tweets By Parents Are

"Now that my kid is in high school, I’m trying to be his silent sideline support system, but last night he told me his English teacher is making him put two spaces after a period, and HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO NOT INTERVENE?!?" —@SaraMooreWagne1

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