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images of popcorn, one with the text saying "10x better than Smartfood" and one with a cut out of trader joe's "everything but the elote seasoning blend"

People Swear By These "One-Ingredient Wonder" Popcorn Toppings, And After Trying 16 Of Them Myself, I'm Entirely Hooked

"It adds a new rich layer of flavor — like getting fresh, movie theater popcorn hot with butter, but BETTER. It almost adds a caramelized quality to the flavor. It's hard to put into words, but I can guarantee that it's delicious. I don't think I can settle for plain buttered popcorn ever again."

On the left, a bowl of potato chips, and on the right, Jennifer Coolidge sipping some tea as Tanya on The White Lotus

What Salty Snack Are You?

Don't be too salty if you don't get the result you want!

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