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NBC Intern: "I Am Chuck Todd"

This hilarious video, picked up on an online streaming service, shows NBC interns sitting in for a run through while awkwardly discussing Batman. "I am Chuck Todd" has a great chance to be THE catchphrase at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte this week.


"Bane" Protests Bain In NYC

"Gotham's reckoning," or angry man in a puffy costume? The 13-foot Dark Knight Rises villain was at Bain HQ in Manhattan Thursday with labor rights organization United NY to demonstrate against Mitt Romney's economic policies.

Bane's Mask Resembles Goatse

Only turned sideways. You have seen it, you cannot unsee it. This is SFW but for the love of EVERYTHING, do not Google "Goatse" if you don't already know. Just happily be out of loop.

The Lego Dark Knight Rises

Nope. You can't make out Bane's voice (or Batman's) any better in a Lego parody, either. Thanks for trying, Sumkid.

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